Thursday, April 21, 2011

Something About Tolerance

In my expansion of understanding of myself, others, and life in general, I have recently been focused on one word that seems to be most applicable to my viewpoint: tolerance. According to, tolerance is "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry."

I am applying this to my current project, which is a documentary film about substance abuse treatment philosophies not based on the traditional 12 step model or the disease theory of addiction.

As a result of seeing a reciprocation of this approach, I've found myself applying it to other areas of life as well, and can directly see the positive results. To me, tolerance in relationship building (or repairing) is about finding common ground, or points of agreement, to then build on. This creates a shift away from disagreement and a breakdown in an ability to sanely communicate and instead moves toward a desire to work in accordance with toward a shared goal. I strongly recommend others trying this and see what benefits they have in their life as well.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Power of Decision

Despite hearing and reading about the power of decision for many years, I am just now re-experiencing it for myself.  I have had several years of indecision and inactivity in certain areas of life, especially career-wise, and I recently just decided to move forward with a film project I'm working on.

As a result I'm more excited about my work than I have been in a long time.  There are challenges and barriers, for sure, but with the earlier decision and dedication to it I have so far been able to pick up steam instead of losing it.  Prior to this, I would start on something, but then either never finish it, do a poor job of it, or simply drop it completely in favor of the bread-winning duties only.

Another positive thing that has become of this is that I have become more productive overall when I feel like I'm accomplishing something, or at least working toward my new goals actively.  This production and decision stuff does carry with it a casualty or two, but the reorganization that is lining up will be worth it in the end, despite the bumps along the way.

So, the years of "should I or shouldn't I" are now behind me and my renewed self-confidence and accomplishment through decision is here and present in my future as well!

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